2020-06-30 Portfolio Update
The last portfolio update included my thoughts on the latest earnings results. I gave my opinion then and since then there have been no new earnings releases for any of the portfolio companies. We now…
The last portfolio update included my thoughts on the latest earnings results. I gave my opinion then and since then there have been no new earnings releases for any of the portfolio companies. We now…
I wanted to wait until all my portfolio companies had reported earnings before posting another portfolio update. CRWD and ZM reported results on June 2nd so now all my portfolio companies have their March/April quarters’…
In addition to providing a portfolio update, this write-up will also expand on what is happening in the world as I see it. There have been an unprecedented number of facts to absorb. For me,…
I’ve done some modeling based on the a starting allocation and a best and worst case scenarios. To try to quantify my opinions, I used the following assumptions: Best case scenario (return to near normalcy by…
So these are my core 5 positions with CRWD, OKTA, and DDOG being what I call heads I win, tails I also win stocks where heads equals the pandemic getting resolved quickly and tails equals…
I already posted 2 interim portfolio updates in March. Here are the links to those: 2020-03-06 Portfolio Update 2020-03-13 Portfolio Update What we are seeing unfolding has never happened in modern times. We are seeing…
I just posted a portfolio update one week ago. It sure seems like a lot longer ago since things are changing so fast. The portfolio as sustained a very steep decline over the past week,…
My portfolio had its largest single day drop (about 10%) on Friday, March 6. It also had its largest absolute dollar drop. Things are getting kind of crazy. There’s lots of volatility, lots of fear,…
2020 is off to a roaring start. In my recent post titled Invest in the Winners, I shared my reason for holding the companies in my portfolio. Since then I trimmed SMAR a little to…
There are companies that have been growing and there are companies about which we can say they seem to be completely dominating their market(s) on which they focus. Tinker (aka on Saul’s Investing Discussions on…