Saving and Investing: The Math Behind Getting Financial Freedom

By GauchoRico

PATH TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM Achieving financial freedom means passively generating enough income so that you may spend your time as you wish rather than to support your lifestyle by working, which is really trading your time for money. If the goal is to produce passive income, you will need assets, which Robert Kiyosaki described so…

The Invisible Workers

By GauchoRico

Below is something that I wrote in March 2015. I’m reposting it here to illustrate that always living below your means and investing the excess will build up wealth. As you earn more, it’s important not to spend all those extra earnings. I graduated from college in 1992 and started working as an intern two…

Financial Freedom: How to Get It

By GauchoRico

Imagine being able to make important life choices without money being a major factor. Imagine being able to spend your time how you choose as opposed to having your time allocation dictated to you by someone else. Think about your life and how you spend your time. How much of it is truly spent how…