Benchmarking Investment Returns

By GauchoRico

WHY BENCHMARK In investing, a benchmark is something against which an investor can measure returns. It provides a yardstick, often to determine whether an active investment strategy is outperforming a passive strategy. Clearly, if a passive approach can’t beat an active one, then why bother with the active one? The same logic extends to hiring…

CAGR: What, Why, How

By GauchoRico

WHAT You may have heard the term CAGR. It’s an acronym for Compound Annual Growth Rate. Said another way, it provides investors or borrowers a way to compare returns of various time periods by converting them to an annualized rate that takes into account the compounding of interest or returns. WHY Practically, CAGR allows for…

2021-09-03 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

During earnings season, I like to post portfolio updates after groups of my portfolio companies have reported their results. The first group of companies reported in early August so I posted an update on 13Aug. The last of the second group reported on 2Sep so this portfolio update includes the remainder of the portfolio companies.…

2021-08-13 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

I’ve decided to post this mid-month portfolio update because about half of my companies (DDOG, LSPD, NET, UPST, and ROKU) have reported their latest quarterly results. That and because my family’s been out of town so I’ve had some extra spare time. The companies’ results mostly reinforced my previous sentiments and hopes; I’ll discuss my…

GauchoRico’s Financial Disaster

By GauchoRico

MY JOURNEY TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM Those who have read my posts over the years know that I started planning and striving for financial freedom shortly after I graduated from the university. It was a 15-year journey that required planning, work, discipline, and learning, and in 2007 I decided to quit my day job. I’ve written…

2021-07-31 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

I had intended on posting my next portfolio after my portfolio companies with quarters ending on 30Jun (DDOG, NET, LSPD, and UPST) had reported their results. However, I’ve made some adjustments that I’d like to discuss, so I decided to write this relatively short write-up at the end of July. PRIOR PORTFOLIO UPDATES 2021-06-30 Portfolio…

2021-06-30 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

PRIOR PORTFOLIO UPDATES 2021-06-04 Portfolio Update 2021-05-07 Portfolio Update 2021-03-31 Portfolio Update 2021-02-12 Portfolio Update 2021-01-31 Portfolio Update 2020-12-31 Portfolio Update All Portfolio Updates PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE DATE GauchoRicoPortfolio (YTD) S&P500 Total Return (YTD) Jan 3.1% -1.0% Feb -1.2% 1.7% Mar -13.2% 6.2% Apr -1.5% 11.8% May 3.4% 12.6% Jun 28.0% 15.3% The previous ATH for the portfolio was…

2021-Q2 Options Trading Results

By GauchoRico

This is my third options trading update. The first update encompassed my 2020 options trading since I began systematically tracking in April 2020. Starting in 2021 and going forward, I intend to post my options trading results quarterly. Below are links to my previous updates: 2021-Q1 Options Trading Results 2020 Stock Options Trading Results OPTIONS…

2021-06-04 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

The last portfolio update was posted as of 7May. Since the last update, there have been earnings results for UPST (11May), LSPD (20May), SNOW (26May), ZM (1Jun), CRWD (3Jun), and DOCU (3Jun). I will provide my brief take on each result later in the post. Now that all of the portfolio companies have reported their…