2023-06-02 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

This is the second portfolio update of 2023. The last of my portfolio companies, CRWD, reported results this past week. PRIOR PORTFOLIO UPDATES 2023-03-03 Portfolio Update 2022-12-31 Portfolio Update 2021-12-31 Portfolio Update All Portfolio Updates PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE This year is turning out to be an interesting year with a handful of companies showing tremendous strength,…

2023-03-03 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

This is the first portfolio update of 2023. At the end of January, none of my portfolio companies had reported their results yet. I typically like to wait until all or most of my companies have reported before putting in the effort to write a lengthy update. I was also on vacation during the last…

2022-12-31 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

Recently, we’ve had some years for the record books. In 2020, stocks surged with many investors posting returns far above what they ever could have dreamed. In contrast, 2022 was a year in which some investors had the worst year they’ve ever had. In particular, growth investors felt the euphoria of 2020 and the despair…

2022-11-30 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

All of the portfolio companies have now reported their latest quarterly results. The companies are discussed further below. PRIOR PORTFOLIO UPDATES 2022-09-30 Portfolio Update 2022-09-02 Portfolio Update 2022-07-01 Portfolio Update 2022-05-31 Portfolio Uodate 2022-03-18 Portfolio Update 2022-01-31 Portfolio Update 2021-12-31 Portfolio Update All Portfolio Updates PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE It’s now been more than one year since…

2022-09-30 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

There haven’t been any portfolio company earnings releases since the last portfolio update so this update will be short. PRIOR PORTFOLIO UPDATES 2022-09-02 Portfolio Update 2022-07-01 Portfolio Update 2022-05-31 Portfolio Uodate 2022-03-18 Portfolio Update 2022-01-31 Portfolio Update 2021-12-31 Portfolio Update All Portfolio Updates PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE In September, the portfolio gained some ground against the S&P…

2022-09-02 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

Another earnings seasons is in the books so it’s time to review the recent results and reassess the positions in the portfolio. As I’ve alluded to since January, I’ve thought about and come to some conclusions about my own investing goals. I recently wrote a blog post about investing goals/objectives considerations. After some consideration, I’ve…

2022-07-01 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

We continue to be in the midst of one of the most challenging periods for investors, particularly for growth investors. It’s not just growth stocks that are down. One of last week’s headlines stated that the first half of 2022 is the worst start to stocks (S&P 500) in the past 50 years. Crypto currencies,…

2022-05-31 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

We are in the midst of another earnings cycle. We got our first clues after the three cloud titans (AMZN, MSFT, and GOOG) reported their results at the end of April. MicroSoft’s Azure grew 49%, Google’s GCP grew 44%, and AWS grew 37%. AWS and GCP decelerated slightly while Azure accelerated a little, but these…

2022-03-18 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

All the portfolio companies have now reported their results. I’ll go over some of the highlights and my thoughts below. Well, 27Jan was not the bottom of this huge drop that began after 18Oct 2021. I was wrong about that. The volatility in the portfolio and the markets in general have continued, and I continue…

2022-01-31 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

These are the times when it can be difficult and stressful to be an investor in hyper growth stocks. I’m certainly not immune to feeling stress when the portfolio drops this far. Let’s look at what’s happened since the prior bottom which was on 13 May 2021. Since then, the portfolio rallied for five months…