2021-12-31 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

The past year was a wild one with a lot of movement. The portfolio rallied in February to reach several ATHs and a local peak of +18.3%. Next, we started one of those big drops that we periodically experience. This drop included a drop and a recovery three times, finally settling at a YTD low…

2021-12-03 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

Earnings season for the portfolio companies is now in the rearview mirror, and I reviewed (below) the companies that reported their most recent quarter’s results. The results since the previous portfolio update are going to appear to be ugly as the portfolio is experiencing one of those big drops. Pretty or not, as always, I’ll…

2021-10-31 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

The big banks and the giant tech companies (AMZN, MSFT, GOOG, AAPL, FB) have already reported their September quarters. Starting with DDOG and LSPD next week, we are about to get results from the portfolio companies with 30Sep ending quarters. PRIOR PORTFOLIO UPDATES 2021-09-30 Portfolio Update 2021-09-03 Portfolio Update 2021-08-13 Portfolio Update 2021-07-31 Portfolio Update…

2021-09-30 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

We are currently in the lull between earnings cycles so this update will be relatively short. PRIOR PORTFOLIO UPDATES 2021-09-03 Portfolio Update 2021-08-13 Portfolio Update 2021-07-31 Portfolio Update 2021-06-30 Portfolio Update 2021-06-04 Portfolio Update 2021-05-07 Portfolio Update 2021-03-31 Portfolio Update 2021-02-12 Portfolio Update 2021-01-31 Portfolio Update 2020-12-31 Portfolio Update All Portfolio Updates PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE DATE…

2021-09-03 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

During earnings season, I like to post portfolio updates after groups of my portfolio companies have reported their results. The first group of companies reported in early August so I posted an update on 13Aug. The last of the second group reported on 2Sep so this portfolio update includes the remainder of the portfolio companies.…

2021-08-13 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

I’ve decided to post this mid-month portfolio update because about half of my companies (DDOG, LSPD, NET, UPST, and ROKU) have reported their latest quarterly results. That and because my family’s been out of town so I’ve had some extra spare time. The companies’ results mostly reinforced my previous sentiments and hopes; I’ll discuss my…

2021-07-31 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

I had intended on posting my next portfolio after my portfolio companies with quarters ending on 30Jun (DDOG, NET, LSPD, and UPST) had reported their results. However, I’ve made some adjustments that I’d like to discuss, so I decided to write this relatively short write-up at the end of July. PRIOR PORTFOLIO UPDATES 2021-06-30 Portfolio…

2021-06-30 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

PRIOR PORTFOLIO UPDATES 2021-06-04 Portfolio Update 2021-05-07 Portfolio Update 2021-03-31 Portfolio Update 2021-02-12 Portfolio Update 2021-01-31 Portfolio Update 2020-12-31 Portfolio Update All Portfolio Updates PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE DATE GauchoRicoPortfolio (YTD) S&P500 Total Return (YTD) Jan 3.1% -1.0% Feb -1.2% 1.7% Mar -13.2% 6.2% Apr -1.5% 11.8% May 3.4% 12.6% Jun 28.0% 15.3% The previous ATH for the portfolio was…

2021-06-04 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

The last portfolio update was posted as of 7May. Since the last update, there have been earnings results for UPST (11May), LSPD (20May), SNOW (26May), ZM (1Jun), CRWD (3Jun), and DOCU (3Jun). I will provide my brief take on each result later in the post. Now that all of the portfolio companies have reported their…

2021-05-07 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

The last portfolio update was posted as of the end of March. Rather than provide a portfolio update at the end of April, I decided to wait an additional week to capture the earnings results for DDOG and NET which both reported on 6May. I plan to post the next portfolio update after the first…