2020-04-30 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

In addition to providing a portfolio update, this write-up will also expand on what is happening in the world as I see it. There have been an unprecedented number of facts to absorb. For me, these facts are forming a mosaic that, at least for me, is revealing a clearer picture which is informing my…

Rationale for Further Portfolio Consolidation

By GauchoRico

I’ve done some modeling based on the a starting allocation and a best and worst case scenarios.  To try to quantify my opinions, I used the following assumptions: Best case scenario (return to near normalcy by the Summer):AYX could double or more by the end of the year and quadruple in 3 yearsCRWD could go up…

2020-04-03 Portfolio Consolidation

By GauchoRico

So these are my core 5 positions with CRWD, OKTA, and DDOG being what I call heads I win, tails I also win stocks where heads equals the pandemic getting resolved quickly and tails equals the pandemic dragging on for longer. Together these 5 stocks comprise more than 80% of my portfolio. I have considered…

2020-03-31 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

I already posted 2 interim portfolio updates in March. Here are the links to those: 2020-03-06 Portfolio Update 2020-03-13 Portfolio Update What we are seeing unfolding has never happened in modern times. We are seeing a pandemic that is literally shutting world travel and much of the world economy. As a human, it’s a little…

2020-03-13 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

I just posted a portfolio update one week ago. It sure seems like a lot longer ago since things are changing so fast. The portfolio as sustained a very steep decline over the past week, and I’ve taken the opportunity to make a couple of significant changes which I will discuss below. ANOTHER RECORD Last…

2020-03-06 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

My portfolio had its largest single day drop (about 10%) on Friday, March 6. It also had its largest absolute dollar drop. Things are getting kind of crazy. There’s lots of volatility, lots of fear, and lots of uncertainty. The CCN Fear & Greed Index now stands at 6 so almost as low as it…

2020-01-31 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

2020 is off to a roaring start. In my recent post titled Invest in the Winners, I shared my reason for holding the companies in my portfolio. Since then I trimmed SMAR a little to add to ZM. I see ZM as a clear winner and I see SMAR more as a very fast growing…

Invest in the Winners

By GauchoRico

There are companies that have been growing and there are companies about which we can say they seem to be completely dominating their market(s) on which they focus. Tinker (aka on Saul’s Investing Discussions on the Motley Fool) has been beating the drum on avoiding companies that are cheap and that it’s ok to invest…

2019-12-23 Portfolio Update

By GauchoRico

I just looked at the Fear/Greed Index. A year ago there was a big decline in stock prices and the Fear/Greed Index his a low of 2 (out of 100 with zero indicating the most possible fear) on December 24, 2018. Many were scared but some of us used the opportunity to buy. The index…